This element specifies an item to include within a menu in EditLive!.


               <menuItem ... />

This attribute gives the name for the menu item. For use within a <menu> element it must be from the Menu and Toolbar Item List.

In <submenu> items this attribute provides the value of the attribute. It should correspond to the name or size of the relevant font or the value for the style. The value used for this attribute will be inserted into the HTML source of the document when the submenu item is selected.

This attribute customizes the menu command text.

This attribute changes the image associated with a menu item.

You can also explicitly set mnemonics and shortcuts for this element using the Mnemonic and Shortcut Attributes.

The following example demonstrates how to add the mnuUndo, mnuRedo, mnuCut, mnuPaste, mnuSelectAll, and mnuFind items to the Edit menu. Thus the instance of EditLive! using this configuration will have only an Edit menu with these items.

        <menu name="Edit">
            <menuItem name="Undo"/>
            <menuItem name="Redo"/>
            <menuItem name="Cut"/>
            <menuItem name="Paste"/>
            <menuItem name="SelectAll"/>
            <menuItem name="Find"/>

The following example demonstrates how to add the Times New Roman, Courier New, and Arial fonts to the mnuFontFace <submenu>. They will be listed as the New Roman, Courier, and Company Default fonts respectively in the submenu due to their text attributes.

        <menu name="Format">
            <submenu name="FontFace">
                <menuItem name="Times New Roman" text="New Roman"/>
                <menuItem name="Courier New" text="Courier"/>
                <menuItem name="Arial" text="Company Default"/>

The <menuItem> element can appear multiple times within the <menu> element.

The <menuItem> element must be a complete tag; it cannot contain a tag body. Therefore, the tag must be closed in the same line. See the example below:

<menuItem name=... />
  • <submenu> Configuration File Element