EditLive! 9 Documentation : customToolbarButton (Applet)

This element will cause a particular button to be present on the toolbar within Ephox EditLive!.

Configuration Element Tree Structure

<customToolbarButton (Applet)>

               <customToolbarButton... />

Required Attributes


The name which uniquely defines this custom toolbar button.


The tooltip text for this custom toolbar button.


The action which this toolbar button performs when clicked on. This attribute has the following possible values:

  • insertHTMLAtCursor - Insert the given HTML at the cursor.
  • insertHyperlinkAtCursor - Insert the given hyperlink at the cursor.
  • raiseEvent - Call a JavaScript function with the name specified in the value attribute. The function will be called providing the id of the editor that the item was clicked on. This id is the value used in the JavaScript constructor or in the case of inline mode the div id of the editable section.
  • customPropertiesDialog - Call a JavaScript function with the name specified in the value attribute. The current tag's properties are also passed to this function as a string.
  • PostDocument - Post the content of the applet to a server side script

For more information on these actions, please see the Creating Custom Menu and Toolbar Items article.


The value of this attribute depends on the value specified in the action attribute.

  • insertHTMLAtCursor - value will be a string of HTML.
  • insertHyperlinkAtCursor - value will be a URL.
  • raiseEvent - value will be the name of the JavaScript function to call.
  • customPropertiesDialog - value will be the name of the JavaScript function to call, passing the current tag's attributes as a string.
  • PostDocument- the value attribute is used to specify several different parameters. Each parameter is delimited with the string ##ephox##. The following are the different parameters that can be specified through the value attribute:
    • Post Field
      The name of the field in the HTTP POST that EditLive! for Java uses to POST its content.

      This parameter is required.

    • Post Acceptor URL
      The URL for the POST acceptor that EditLive! for Java is to POST to.

      This parameter is required.

    • Response Processing
      The operation that EditLive! for Java is to perform with the HTTP response from the POST acceptor script. The parameter can have the following values:
      • saveToDisk - Present the user with a save file dialog, with which they can save the response to the local machine.
      • callback- Pass the entire content of th HTTP response to a specified JavaScript callback function for processing.

        This parameter is required.

    • JavaScript Callback Function
      The name of the JavaScript callback function to use for processing the response.

      This parameter should only be used if the repsonse processing is set to callback.

The parameters specified through the value attribute string must appear in the order Post Field, Post Acceptor URL, Response Processing, and JavaScript Callback Function (if needed).

The following parameters specified through the value attribute string would store the contents of EditLive! in a hidden HTML form field called POST_field, sending the contents via HTTP Post to http://someserver/postacceptor.jsp, then call back the JavaScript function called JSFunction.

value="POST_field##ephox##http://someserver/postacceptor.jsp##ephox## callback##ephox##JSFunction"

When using the insertHTMLAtCursor action the HTML to be inserted must be URL encoded in the XML file. For example, <p>HTML to insert<p> becomes %3Cp%3EHTML%20to%20insert%3C/p%3E.

Conditional Attributes


This attribute defines in which tags the function should be enabled. For example, when set to td the function will be enabled when the cursor is within a <td> tag (i.e. a table cell).

The enableintag attribute is required when using the customPropertiesDialog action. The enableintag attribute will not work with any of the other action attributes.

Optional Attributes


The URL of the image to be placed on the toolbar button. The image should be of a .gif format and be a size of sixteen (16) pixels high and sixteen (16) pixels wide. This URL can be relative or absolute. Relative URLs are relative to the location of the page in which EditLive! is embedded.


This attribute is used to indicate the action is only applicable to the design view of EditLive!. When set to true, the custom button (or menu item) will be disabled when the editor is switched to code view. 

The default value is false.


The following example demonstrates how to define a custom toolbar button for use within EditLive!. The toolbar button defined in this example will insert HTML to insert at the cursor. Note that the value in the example below is URL encoded.

        <toolbar name="Example">
                text="Custom Item" 
                value="%3Cp%3EHTML%20to%20insert%3C/p%3E" />

The following example demonstrates how to define a custom toolbar button which uses the raiseEvent action for use within EditLive!. The toolbar button defined in this example will call the JavaScript function called eventRaised. This JavaScript function will show an alert with the text "button clicked on " with the id of the editor when then menu item is clicked.

function eventRaised(id) {
    alert("button clicked on " + id);
      <toolbar name="ephox_insertmenu">
            text="Raise Event"
            value="eventRaised" />

The following example demonstrates how to define a custom menu item which uses the customPropertiesDialog action for use within EditLive!. The toolbar button defined in this example will call the JavaScript function called DisplayAttributes. This toolbar button is only available when a <h1> tag is selected.

This operation will only work for one specified tag type. To specify which tag type the menu or toolbar item will appear for, use the enableintag attribute.

      <toolbar name="ephox_insertmenu">
                text="H1 Properties"

For an instance of EditLive! using the <customToolbarButton> created above, the following function would create a JavaScript dialog displaying each name-value pair of attributes for the <h1> tag.

function DisplayAttributes(properties)
   alert("VALUE-NAME pairs: " + properties);

The following example demonstrates how to define a custom toolbar button which uses the PostDocument action for use within EditLive!. The toolbar button defined in this example will POST the content in the field editlive_field to the script at http://someserver/post/POSTacceptor.aspx. Upon completion of the POST, the content of the HTTP response will be passed to the JavaScript callback function JSFunction.

      <toolbar name="Example">
            text="POST Content"
            action="PostDocument" value="editlive_field##ephox##http://someserver/post/POSTacceptor.aspx ##ephox##callback##ephox##JSFunction" />


The <customToolbarButton> element can appear multiple times within the <toolbar> element.

The <customToolbarButton> element must be a complete tag; it cannot contain a tag body. Therefore, the tag must be closed in the same line. See the example below:

<customToolbarButton name=... />

Text assigned to the value attribute must be URL encoded as it is in the example above.

See Also