EditLive! 9 Documentation : advancedapis (Applet)

This element is used to define the java classes utilized by the EditLive! plug-in. In order to create additional java functionality for EditLive!, use the Advanced APIs

Plug-in Element Tree Structure

<advancedapis (Applet)>

   <advancedapis ... />

Required Attributes


The URL specified location of the .jar file used to instantiate the modified version of EditLive!. This jar file needs to contain your Advanced APIs invocation of EditLive!.

If the URL specified is relative, this URL will be resolved depending on which load-time property is used to instantiate the plug-in:

  • AddPlugin - The relative URL will be resolved against the location of the XML plug-in file.
    The following Javascript occurs in a webpage loaded from http://www.myserver.com/editlive/mywebpage.html


    myPlugin.xml contains the following <advancedapis> element:

    <advancedapis jar="jars/myPlugin.jar" class="com.ephox.myPlugins.myPlugin"/>

    EditLive! would attempt to cache the following file: http://www.myserver.com/editlive/myPlugins/jars/myPlugin.jar

  • AddPluginAsText - The relative URL will be resolved against the second parameter specified in this property.
    The following Javascript occurs in a webpage loaded from http://www.myserver.com/editlive/mywebpage.html

    editlive.addPluginAsText("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><plugin><advancedapis jar=\"jars/myPlugin.jar\" class=\"com.ephox.footnotes.Footnotes\" /></plugin>", "http://www.myserver.com/editlive/");

    EditLive! for Java would attempt to cache the following file: http://www.myserver.com/editlve/jars/myPlugin.jar


The fully qualified name of the .class file used to instantiate the modified version of EditLive!. If this name is incorrect, the standard version of EditLive! will load instead of the modified version.


For more information on using the Advanced APIs to define a new instance of EditLive! and how to invoke this new EditLive! instance using the plugin architecture, see the Creating Plugins Utilizing Advanced APIs Tutorial.

See Also