
EditLive! provides a tool for applying accessibility mappings to table cells. For more information on how table accessibility mappings work, review the View Table Header Mappings help article.

The Applying Accessibility Mappings is an optional functionality of EditLive!. Check with your Systems Administrator first to ensure this functionality exists in your instance of EditLive!.

Using the Apply Accessibility Mappings Functionality

Applying accessibility mappings is a 4 step process.

The toolbar buttons described below may not appear in your instance of EditLive!. This would be due to your Systems Administrator removing this functionality. For more information, see your Systems Administrator.
The screenshots depicted below have View Table Header Mappings switched on. This allows you to see the current accessibility status of each table cell so you can apply the desired mappings.

Step 1: Select the cell you wish to become a header cell. This cell can already be a header cell.

Step 2: Click the Set As Header button on the floating table toolbar. This will highlight the cell with a blue border.

Step 3: Select the desired cell/cells you wish to become data cells. A single cell can be selected by clicking in it. Multiple cells can be selected by dragging the mouse.

Step 4: Click the Apply Header button. This will apply an ID attribute to the selected header cell and headers attributes to the selected data cells.



headers_first.png (image/png)
headers_second.png (image/png)
headers_third.png (image/png)
headers_forth.png (image/png)
headers_first.png (image/png)
headers_forth.png (image/png)
headers_second.png (image/png)
headers_third.png (image/png)