EditLive! 9 Documentation : menuSeparator

This element places a horizontal separating line between commands within a EditLive! menu bar. This line will appear between the commands defined by the <menuItem> elements immediately before and after the <menuSeparator> element.

This element has no attributes or child elements.



The following example demonstrates how to insert a menu separator into a menu. In the instance of EditLive! created from this configuration, the menu separator will appear between the Redo and the Cut commands.

        <menu name="Edit">
            <menuItem name="Undo"/>
            <menuItem name="Redo"/>
            <menuItem name="Cut"/>
            <menuItem name="Copy"/>
            <menuItem name="Paste"/>

The <menuSeparator> element can appear multiple times within the <menu> element.

The <menuSeparator> element must be a complete tag; it cannot contain a tag body. Therefore, the tag must be closed in the same line. See the example below:

<menuSeparator />