EditLive! 9 Documentation : wysiwygEditor

This element allows you to set options relating to the EditLive! editing pane. 

Configuration Element Tree Structure


    <!--wysiwygEditor settings-->

Optional Attributes


This attribute defines where the Design and Code view tabs are placed on the editor pane. This attribute has three possible values:

  • top - Places the tabs at the top of the editor pane.

    Top tab placement is only available in the Swing SDK. If specified in the applet, it will have no effect.

  • bottom - Places the tabs at the bottom of the editor pane.
  • off - Removes the tabs from the editor.

Default Value: top

The following optional attributes are booleans and can have the value of either true or false.


This boolean attribute defines whether the Document Navigator toolbar is displayed in the interface. The document navigator displays the current location in the HTML structure to the user and enables them to easily select any element in the current path and the contents of the element.

Default Value: true


This boolean attribute defines whether a <br> or <p> tag is inserted when the Enter key is pressed. When set to true a <br> is inserted when Enter is pressed; a <p> tag is inserted when the Shift + Enter key combination is used. When set to false this behavior is reversed.

Pressing enter when in table fields will always yield a <br> tag, regardless of the value set to brOnEnter.

The default behavior for EditLive! is to insert a <p> on Enter and a <br> on Shift + Enter. This is the same behavior as when this setting is set to false.

Default Value: false


This boolean attribute defines if track changes is enabled or disabled when the editor loads.

If a HTML document is loaded into EditLive! that already contains change information, track changes will always turn on automatically.

Default Value: false


This boolean attribute defines whether users will be able to manually resize images placed into an instance of EditLive! through the design view.

Default Value: false


This boolean attribute defines whether users will be able to manually resize tables placed into an instance of EditLive! through the design view.

Default Value: false

This boolean attribute defines whether users can open external links from within EditLive!. If true, users can open external links by ctrl-clicking on PC, or option-clicking on Mac.

Default Value: true

This attribute has no effect on internal links e.g.

<a href="#top">top</a>

This boolean attribute defines the behaviour of the Shift+Space key combination.  When set to true this combination will insert a non-breaking space character.  When set to false it will insert a normal white space character.

Default Value: false


This boolean attribute defines whether table and section gridlines are shown by default. When set to false, the "Show Gridlines" button can still be used to show them.

Default Value: true


This boolean attribute defines whether gridlines are shown around sections (HTML DIV tags). When set to false, gridlines are never shown on sections.

The showSectionGridlines setting is ignored if showGridlines is false - this setting allows you to turn off Section gridlines when showGridlines is set to true.

Default Value: true


This boolean attribute specifies whether the Tiny look and feel is used for the editor. If set to false, the system look and feel is used.

Default Value: true


This boolean attribute specifies whether to use the name attribute in bookmarks. If set to true, both the name and id attributes will be added to bookmarks; otherwise, only the id attribute will be added.

Default value: false

If both useNameInBookmarks and the xhtmlStrict option in <htmlFilter> are set to be true, useNameInBookmarks will override xhtmlStrict and continue to insert the name attribute in bookmarks. This will make your document non-XHTML Strict compliant.


This boolean attribute specifies whether to display local images and allow local image insertion if no image upload handler is defined.

When set to false, and no image uploader is set, two things happen:

  • local images in the editor will display as broken images (eg pasted from MS word)
  • the insert image dialog will hide the local image option
    • This is the equivalent to doing <mediaSettings><images allowLocalImages="false"> in the config, but allows it to dynamically change based on on whether or not an image uploader is set

Default value: true

If the only uploader that is set comes from a background-loading plugin that uses ELJBean.setFileUploader() (eg connections), and the plugin takes a while to download, local images in the content will display as broken and then refresh to the correct image once the plugin has set a file uploader.

This attribute defines how to treat CSS styles with the attribute ephox-visible when determining what to include in the Styles drop down in EditLive!. For more information see Restricting what CSS classes appear in EditLive! styles drop down

This attribute has two possible values:

  • blacklist - only CSS Styles where ephox-visible is not "false" will be included.

  • whitelist - only CSS Styles where ephox-visible is "true" will be included.

Default Value: blacklist

Child Elements


This structure allows for the configuraiton of settings related to EditLive!'s support of custom tags (both registered and unknown).


This structure allows for the configuration of the settings related to the symbol insertion dialog.


The color palette allows developers to specify the colors displayed in EditLive!'s color selection dialog (as seen when selecting text foreground or background color).


Customize insertion and deletion rendering for all users of the Track Changes functionality.


The following example would display the Design and Code tabs on the bottom of the editor pane.

  <wysiwygEditor tabPlacement="bottom" />


The <wysiwygEditor> element can appear only once within the <editLive> element.

If the <wysiwygEditor> element is to be left blank the element must then be a complete tag; it cannot contain a tag body. Therefore the tag must be closed in the same line. It should appear as below:

<wysiwygEditor tabPlacement=.../>